Clelia Sarto – Outro 2022

short film by Christine Rogge
EditorOscar Ortega Sanchez
Music Alexander Muell
Violin Sebastian Peszko
Cello Emilia Viktoria Lomakova
Hair&Make up Annett Esser

Sebastian Kite – Continuum
Saatchi Gallery, London, UK, 2017

Photography: Peter Guenzel, KT48
Technical Assistant: Alex-Kendall White
Interaction Design: Henry Flitton
Music/Sound: Alexander Muell
Visual Assistant: Vinzent Britz
Producer: Marietta Auras
Project kindly supported by A.Lange & Söhne, DE

Felix Kiessling – Adler Art Cologne 2018

Production: Marietta Auras
Montage: Gal Yaron Mayersohn
Sound: Felix Kiessling / Alexander Müll

Produced for Die Informale: Videoramas, Buneos Aires, 2018

Special thanks to: Lutz Henke / Die Informale team, Rudolph Reimer (Heinrich Pette Institut Hamburg / Leibnitz Institut für Experimentelle Virologie), Musitelli Uruguay, Alfredo Etchegaray, German Ambassador Ururgay: Dr. Ingo von Voss, Oliver Lanner and Embassy BRD Buenos Aires, Ministry of Defense Uruguay, Armada Nacional – Marina de Urugay, Señor Jefe del departamento de Relaciones Públicas de la Armada / Capitán de Navío: Marcelo Etchevers, Martin Craciun, Ximena Moreno, Pablo Caligaris, Chela / La Ira de Dios (Buenos Aires).

The Adler project is part of Übermut, an initiative of visitBerlin and Stadt Hamburg Marketing, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. Travel expenses were funded by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

El mundo es una pequeña esfera. United against any form of fascism and racism.

Felix Kiessling: Impakt, Gallerie Alexander Levy, Berlin, 2018

Video Credits:
Production: Marietta Auras
DoP: Cedric Retzmann
Camera: Christian Klimpke (Tectum Berlin), Vincent Engel, Simon Mayer Post: Gal Yaron Mayersohn
Sound Recording: Nicola Lopez
Sound: Alexander Muell

Felix Kiessling – Insolation 2019

video, 37min, Atacama Desert, Chile 2019video credits:
Production: Marietta Auras 
Sound: Alexander Muell / Felix Kiessling 
Post: Andres Olivares

Thank you H Residency, Gonzalo Reyes Araos, Luis Ricardo, Roxana,Ara, Turbo, Ximena Moreno, Lydia Korndörfer, Alvaro Loins, Tectum Rental Berlin, Christian Klimpke, Goethe Institut Chile, Christoph Bertrams, Proyeco Saco, Camillo, and the whole Matucana100 team

Felix Kiessling Endpunkt Europa 2017

Producer: Marietta Auras, DoP: Cedric Retzmann, Editor: Philipp Müller,
Grading: Cedric Retzmann, Sound: Felix Kiessling / Alexander Muell

MS Wissenschaft / Wissenschaft im Dialog /
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)

Special Thanks:
Vidar Karlstad & Team, Nordic Safari Wildlife Adventures AS, Benjamin Ude, Fisherman Antonio,
Guardia Civil Gibraltar / Ministerio Del Interior, 25p Cine Support Berlin, Maya Röttger,
Alexander Levy, Lydia Ahrens, Beate Langholf, Maren Grüber, Prof. Dr. Rudolph Reimer,
Heinrich Pette Institut / Leibniz-Institut für Experimentelle Virologie Hamburg, Jakob Zoche,
Alexander Müll, Carolin Oetzel

Felix Kiessling – Your map is not correct anymore 2017

Production: Marietta Auras, DoP: Cedric Retzmann, Editor: Philipp Müller, Grading: Cedric Retzmann, Sound: Felix Kiessling / Alexander Müll

Funding: MS Wissenschaft / Wissenschaft im Dialog / German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)

Special Thanks: Vidar Karlstad & Team, Nordic Safari Wildlife Adventures AS, Benjamin Ude, Fisherman Antonio, Guardia Civil Gibraltar / Ministerio Del Interior, 25p Cine Support Berlin, Maya Röttger, Alexander Levy, Lydia Ahrens, Beate Langholf, Maren Grüber, Prof. Dr. Rudolph Reimer, Heinrich Pette Institut / Leibniz-Institut für Experimentelle Virologie Hamburg, Jakob Zoche, Alexander Müll, Carolin Oetzel

Sebastian Kite – Journey into Grey 2018

Marietta Auras – Creative Productions Creative Director: Marierra Auras Music: Alexander Muell, Klaus Tropp